Engelse Marketing en Sales terminologie
Tags: Business English, Engelse gesprekstechnieken, Engelse woorden(lijsten), Gesprekken voeren, Engelse gesprekstechnieken, Zakelijk communiceren in het Engels

Marketing en Sales terminologie
Engelse Marketing en Sales Termen. Werk je internationaal in Marketing of Sales dan is dit een artikel wat je moet lezen. Veel begrippen uitgelegd en voorbeeldzinnen die je gelijk kunt gaan gebruiken
Lees dit ook: handig als je zakelijke gesprekken voert of moet onderhandelen over condities of prijzen.
Sales = Sell the products or services that we can deliver
The job of sales is to “sell what we can offer or what is in stock”. A company will have specific products or services. The job of sales is to sell these products or services.
With sales you can develop relationships with customers. You start with the initial talk, help your customers to make a decision, overcome objections, negotiate prices and terms and work to be sure that customers are happy with the product or service.
Marketing = is an ongoing communications exchange and engagement, with customers in a way that educates, informs and builds a relationship over time, now and for the future.
The key job of marketing is to understand the marketplace from the perspective of the customer. Marketing is to direct and lead the company toward the segments, or groups of customers where the company can profitably compete. Without marketing, no sales
If nobody knows about your product or service there won’t be any sales. Markets are constantly changing. The job of marketing is to stay ahead of the changes and anticipate at the right time.
Engelse Marketing en Sales termen:
After sales service
Service that continues after the sale of a product (or a service) you provided (maintenance, updates, etc.)
A/B Testing
Testing two versions of a marketing idea (webpage/CTA/newsletter etc.) to see which one performs best.
Tracking data that informs you about your marketing efforts. The data can come from a website, social media, etc.
Person or company that acts for another and provides a specified service.
Everything that shows awareness of your business, your product or service that separates you from other businesses.
B2B e-commerce
Business to business e-commerce: use of commercial networks, online product catalogues, websites and other online resources to inform and reach new customers.
B2C e-commerce
Business to consumer e-commerce: online sale of goods and services directly to consumers via websites.
The comparison of your products or services with that of competitors. The comparison can be focussed on price, service, delivery time etc.
Bounce Rate
The number of people who land on a page of your website and leave without clicking on anything before moving on to another page on your site.
Any person who makes a purchase or a person employed by the company to buy stock.
Buyer Persona
A picture/summary of your ideal client. Based on demographic data. It helps salespeople to focus on the right prospect.
Engelse marketing and Sales termen:
Cash refund offer
Offer to pay back (part of) the purchase price of a product to customers.
Call back
To call someone back in a later stage because it gives you more time to speak with them.
Chain store
Two or more shops or outlets that have the same owner and sell almost the same merchandise.
Close the deal
Finalizes a sale or service.
Cold calling
To call a prospect to get them interested in an appointment or product/service.
Comparative Advertising
The type of advertising in which a company makes a direct comparison to another brand, product, service or business.
Convenience store
Small shop located near a residential area that opens long hours, often seven days a week.
Conversion Path
The course of actions that a prospect will go through to eventually become a lead. With the intention of a sale.
Corporate Identity
All symbols, such as colours, letter type, logos, layout etc., that creates a public image of a business.
Cost Per Lead (CPL)
The total (marketing) cost of acquiring a lead.
Certificate or voucher that gives customers a saving when they purchase a specific product or service.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Software that helps you organize all of your marketing and sales activities. Such as storing contact and client information, prospects and leads, sales, planning etc.
Customer Acquisition Cost
A way to measure and calculate the cost of acquiring a customer.
Customer Lifetime Value
This represents the total value of a customer over their lifetime with the company.
A business transaction.
A profiling aspect to get specific information on age, income, family life, gender, social class, savings etc. of a group for marketing and advertising strategies.
Department store
A large shop or store that carries a wide variety of product lines.
A reduction in price.
Drop in
To make an unexpected visit to a client or prospect.
Engelse marketing and Sales terminologie:
Buying and selling by electronic means, primarily on the internet via websites.
Engagement Rate
A measurement of likes, shares, comments or any other form of interaction on a piece of content that is shared.
Promotion of products and services over the internet often on social platforms.
A network that connects a company with its suppliers and distributors.
Maintain contact after a talk or sale to ensure customer satisfaction.
Association between a company (franchiser) and an independent business person (franchisee) who buys the right to own and operate a unit or service in the franchise system.
A promise that product will be repaired or replaced if faulty.
A network that connects people to each other within a company.
Inbound Marketing
Advertising your company via content marketing, blogs, podcasts, E-books, email, video, social networks etc. rather than paid advertising.
Joint venture
A way of entering a (foreign) market by joining with a foreign company to manufacture or market a product or service.
Key Performance Indicator (KPI)
A method to measure the performance of various factors based on your sales and marketing efforts.
A company that has shown interest in one of your products or services. (or an individual)
Lifetime Customer Value
A prediction of the net profit attributed to the entire future relationship with a customer/company.
Market-Based Pricing
Pricing of a product or service in the same industry.
Market leader
The company with the largest market share in an industry.
Market Penetration
A strategy used to sell (penetrate the market) a new or an existing product within the current markets it is being sold.
Mark up
Percentage of the price added to the cost to reach a selling price.
Market Development
All the efforts of taking an existing product or service to a new market.
Monthly Recurring Revenue
The amount of revenue generated each month from subscriptions to your product or service.
Net Promoter Score
A rating system that allows you to measure your customers satisfaction and loyalty.
Niche Market
A very specific segment of a market in which you are trying to meet the needs of that market. (product or service)
Opinion leaders
Influential members of a community, group, business or society to whom others turn for advice, opinions, and views.
Lees ook:
het verschil tussen Marketing and Sales op deze Engelse site
Engelse Marketing and Sales termen:
Designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.
Product line
A group of products that are closely related and often are complementary.
Profit margin
The net profit from a product or service after all costs for marketing and selling for that product or service are covered.
The 4 P’s
Price, Product, Place and Promotion.
Qualified Lead
A prospect that has shown interest in your company, your products or services. They’re not quite ready to make a definite decision on your product or service, but they are ready to do business with you.
A person who represents and sells a product or service for a company.
Return On Investment (ROI)
A system to measure the profitability of an investment you make in sales, marketing, etc. A way to ensure that investments bring the results you want.
A prospect or lead generated by someone who may have an interest in the product or service you’re selling.
Sales funnel
A process that leads your client through your products or services with the aim to get them interested.
Sales Pipeline
The Sales pipeline is to forecast sales revenue of new or existing customers.
S.W.O.T. Analysis
An inside in the organisation to establish the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Telephone marketing
Using the telephone to sell directly to customers often referred to as ‘cold calling’.
Trade fair
An exhibition at which companies in a specific industry can show or demonstrate their services or products.
Unique Selling Proposition/Point
Something that differentiates a product or service from its competitors.
User Experience
The experience someone has with your brand/website/products/services from the first initial contact, through the purchase process ending with customers becoming ambassadors for your company.
Viral marketing
The internet version of word-of-mouth marketing. If your product or service goes ‘viral’, it is shared on the internet.
Wholesale To sell goods and services to those buying for resale (e.g. a shop) or for business use.
Een aantal handige termen om jouw succes aan te geven
Als je verkopen zijn gestegen kan je dat aangeven met ‘Sales increased by 20%’. Maar je kan ook synoniemen gebruiken.
- Sales increased by 25% last year.
There was an increase in sales of 25% last year. - Sales improved by 10% last month.
Last month there was an improvement in sales of 10%. - Sales grew by 15% last year.
Last year there was a growth in European sales of 15%.
Sales have been growing steadily over the last five years. - Sales rose by 20% last year.
There was a rise in sales of 20% last year. - Sales climbed by 10% last year.
Our sales climbed sharply last quarter. - Sales surged by 25% last year.
There was a surge in sales of 25% last year.
We have seen a sharp surge in sales this year. - Sales improved significantly last week.
There was a significant increase in sales last week. - Last year there was a dramatic improvement in sales.
Sales have risen dramatically this month. - We saw a steady rise in sales in the last two years.
Sales went up by 30% in the last two years.
Zo je hebt een aantal Engelse termen voor Marketing and Sales die je gelijk kunt gaan gebruiken in je eerst volgende gesprek.
Engelse marketing en sales termen; wat zeg je wél en niet
Soms kun je sommige woorden in een salesgesprek beter niet gebruiken en andere juist wel. Jouw woordkeuze bepaalt vaak hoe je overkomt. En misschien wel of een deal wél of niet doorgaat.
Basisregel is dat je in positieve termen moet communiceren, We geven je enkele voorbeelden.
✘ This article is more expensive.
✓ This article is more valuable.
✘ Our most bought package costs € 850.-
✓ You are investing € 850,- in our most bought package.
✘ As you can see, the performance of our new product isn’t bad.
✓ As you can see, the performance of our new product is excellent.
✘ Purchasing our premium offer is a cheaper option.
✓ Purchasing our premium offer is a more cost-effective option.
✘ Thank you for your business. I will try to get the contract ready by Friday.
✓ Thank you for your business. I will make sure the contract is ready by Friday.
Bekijk ook deze artikelen met veel tips en voorbeelden:
- Hier kun je nog meer zakelijke vocabulaire vinden die handig van pas komen in de gesprekken die je met klanten voert.
- Of bekijk deze Engels- Nederlandse woordenlijst die handig is als je internationaal zaken doet. Termen die je moet kennen.
- Je zal ook wel eens een presentatie moeten geven in het Engels. Bekijk dan ook dit stappenplan voor een perfecte presentatie.
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